Well, nothing new here! Yet another example of institutional racism and systems that discriminate.
Does anyone else get tired of reading these articles and stories.
Repeated failures, and we are supposed to be shocked and surprised.
Well I for one am not, are you? Yet it's still news.
"They described a culture where racism is swept under the carpet and where careers of black and ethnic minority officers are blocked.
But a second South Asian officer said: “It’s [racism] got worse because there have been no concrete steps to tackle it, so now it’s swept under the carpet, with minority officers unfairly targeted over performance issues and covert racism is more rampant in the force.”
This echoes the experiences of many professionals including educational and clinical psychologists who enter the profession and are then targeted and pushed out. Unions refuse to collect meaningful data which serves to hide the problem. Systems colluding together to discriminate and to maintain the status quo. And yet all the while organisations insisting there isn't a problem.
Well the evidence tells a different story, time and time again reinforcing the message that Racism is real and we need to do something about it.
Not just evidence from officers within the police force but evidence across different professional sectors.
Outcomes data and disparities tell a different story.
Yet some organisations choose to remain in denial at Stages 1 and 2 of the Six Stages Framework.
Things will not change
Until organisations like the police stop being in denial about racism.
Things will not change
Until the narratives around racism and social justice change
Things will not change
Until real action is put in place to address racism.
Not just performative measures we see time and time again
Things will not change until people are supported to understand their behaviours and change
Until there is a real commitment at the top to Stamp out Racism.
The current ways of dealing with racism are not working.
We need to understand continuums of racist behaviour.
Nothing will change until we support individuals and systems to change.
We keep hearing from organisations that change is happening but it will take time for it to show.
Many on the receiving end and frontline of racism do not believe this and can you blame them!
New fresh approaches are needed for dealing with racism.
Visit our website for more information on what you and your organisation can do to achieve real change.
