Welcome to the Six Stages Framework Community and Networks.
We are so thrilled to have you join our growing community of change-makers committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) locally and worldwide.
SSF Highlights from 2024
Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone who has been part of our successful journey in 2024. Highlights of the year include the following:
- Workshops and Webinars on Embedding EDI Supervision Models for Corporates and Professionals and Introduction to the Six Stages Diversity Framework.
- The EDI and SSF Conference held in June 2024.
- Keynote presentation at Christ Hospital School.
- Training day at the Psychology Direct Conference
- Training for a GP surgery (partners) in London
- Training for SAME Executive Board Members -Thames Valley Police CPD
- Introduction of the SSF by Dr Ama Collison into the Education and Mental Health Practitioners training course at Kings College London
During our successful journey we have gathered members, Associates and followers who are helping to spread the message of the SSF and to support us in achieving our goals.
We have 6 associates currently and many more signed up for the forthcoming Associate introduction training on 28th March 2025.
We also have more schools signed up to be part of the SSF Networks who are now implementing the Six Stages Framework into their schools to ensure diversity and inclusion and to eliminating discrimination. We have helped support children and families by providing the appropriate guidance through our expertise.
2025 has got off to a flying start!
This Year, 2025 will be even more exciting for all of us and we aim to increase the number of children, families and organisations including schools that we support.
We have already been involved in a couple of exciting events in the first quarter of 2025.
- Dr Shungu presented the SSF at the Women in the Shades Conference in January.
- She also presented at the National Secondary School Leaders Conference (NSLN) for the Church of England Networks.
Forthcoming Six Stages Frameworks Publications
We have a number of publications coming out shortly:
-School age books on the Six Stages Framework
Þ SSF book for Primary aged pupils
Þ SSF book for Secondary aged pupils
-Six Stages Framework reminder worksheets to be used with the SSF school age books: SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK REMINDERS-WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FAIR?
- Publication of Dr Shungu’s second book “if Racism was a virus”.
Plans for 2025
We have a number of exciting projects planned for 2025
- We are planning a Caribbean event in July 2025 where will be introducing the SSF to Barbados.
- We are starting the SSF Associate Programme and Train the Trainer Model. If you want to find out more about this we are running an event on 28th March details to follow.
- We are also exploring partnership with Kaerus recruitment company for our associate programme.
- We are exploring how to support Education and Mental Health Practitioners who have been introduced to the SSF in implementing the SSF toolkits into their schools.
- We are also exploring working with public service such as police departments in implementing the SSF toolkits
- We are in conversation with an ex-CEO delivering cooperate training about using the SSF toolkits in the training and also using the SSF diversity Assessments.
If you want to learn more about the SSF diversity assessments for individuals and organisations let us know.
Ongoing projects
- Dr Shungu is an expert on the Big Sister project. See link below.
- We are currently working with a couple of Universities in the UK on an intersectional disability rights framework for adopted children- more information to follow.
Membership of the Six Stages Framework
Your decision to become a member of the SSF Network is a powerful step towards fostering transformative change. As part of our network, you will gain access to exclusive resources, expert insights, and a community dedicated to breaking systemic barriers and creating lasting progress.
Here is what you can look forward to and how we can support you:
Exclusive Resources
Dive into our extensive library of tools, guides, and materials designed to help you effectively implement the Six Stages Framework in your organisation.
Silver and Gold Members
We have some additional benefits this month for bronze, silver and gold members.
For those schools who are gold members we are making available FREE the following:
- Six Stages Framework reminder worksheets to be used with the SSF school age books: SIX STAGES FRAMEWORK REMINDERS-WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE FAIR?
Those who are bronze or silver members can get a 50% discount on the worksheets.
Please contact us for more information and an access code.
Individuals and organisations
For individuals who are gold members we are making available FREE the Six Stages Framework online course on navigating online identities and addressing racism.
Those who are bronze and silver members can get a 50% discount.
Please contact us for more information and an access code.
A Vibrant Community
Connect with like-minded professionals who share your passion for fostering equality and dismantling systemic barriers. Together, we can share insights, challenges, and successes to accelerate our collective impact.
Be the First to Know
The network is regularly updated with details on upcoming events, seminars, training and conferences on all things around the Six Stages Framework and diversity, equity and inclusion.
Once inside, we recommend exploring the following:
Resource Library: Start with our introductory guide to the Six Stages Framework.
Buy a copy of our book:
Upcoming Events: Check out the latest webinars and workshops exclusively for members.
Contact: Reach out to any of us and the SSF team if you have any questions, queries or comments.
Sign up to our free introductory workshops every 2nd day of the month on Eventbrite
Book a call with us
New members of the network on tiers, Bronze, Silver, and Gold all have access to a free 1hr consultation with a member of the SSF team to explore how you can get the most out of your membership for you as an individual, school or an organisation.
Reach out for a discovery conversation on how the SSF can support you and your organisation.
Bronze, Silver and Gold Members can also book their mentoring and consultation sessions with Shungu.
Please email her directly on: Drshungu@inclusionpsychologists.com
Gold members can also now start booking for free bookable helpline sessions. Please book on the Calendly link below.
Calendly link below:
Book a call to find out more
The new Six Stages Framework Helpline
Finally, we have attached information on our new Six Stages Framework Helpline.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Book your confidential session now through Calendly and let us help you move forward with clarity and confidence. You will be sent a confirmation email, invoice and zoom link. Payment required before the session.
We are so excited to have you on this journey towards change and cannot wait to see the incredible impact you will make with the Six Stages Framework.
Warm regards,
Dr Shungu and The Six Stages Framework Team

credit: women in the shade conference 2025