What are you doing to increase your understanding and ability to deal with racism?
We saw recently just how important it is to check our biases and avoid discriminating.
We need to keep up to date with what racism is and how it manifests.
Also check out my other FREE seminars on Eventbrite, e.g. In What Ways Do We Discriminate?
Also check out my book on Amazon
Understanding and Dealing with Everyday Racism- The Six Stages Framework
#diversityequityandinclusion #discriminations #antiracism #prejudice #personaldevelopment #sixstagesframework #unconsciousbias
#Discrimination #InWhatWaysDoWeDiscriminate #Migrants #LGBTQIA #Misogyny #Diversity #DiversityAndInclusion #biases #WhitePrivilege #CavesOfPrivilege #BuildingBridgesOfEmpathy #BridgesOfEmpathy #6StagesFramewk #SixStagesFramework #Stereotypes #Humanity #Behaviours #Organisations #Values #antiracismpersonaldevelopment
